This page lists religious and social holidays throughout the world. Many
of these holidays are also celebrated - and perverted - by cults.
Each group is different and may celebrate different sets of holidays,
placing emphasis on different days. For most survivors, the worst days
are the holidays listed below, as well as their own birthday. Full and new
moons are also significant, particularly so if they fall on any of the main
holidays or the survivor's birthday.
Some groups also celebrate (or pervert for the members' "benefit") Thanksgiving,
Mother's and Father's day, the 4th of July (in U.S.), Valentine's Day, and
other secular and regional holidays. Often, just having a day off is an
excuse to do a ritual.
Satanic groups have their own holidays (western versions are below) and
they usually also use the holidays of the religions they are countering
and perverting.
The most popular (for U.S. and Western Europe) are Pagan (Western European)
and Catholic/Christian.
of Contents
March 21 |
- Spring equinox (Eostar) |
June 21 |
- Summer solstice (Midsummer) |
September 21 |
- Fall equinox (Harvest, Mabon) |
December 21 |
- Winter solstice (Yule) |
Note that while the 21st is the most common day, these holidays can
fall anywhere from the 20th to the 23rd, depending on the year.
These are the 8 main holidays of the year, including the equinoxes,
solstices, and the following:
February 2 |
- Imbolc, also known as Candlemas |
May 1 |
- Beltane |
August 2 |
- Lammas, also known as Lughnasad |
October 31 |
- Halloween/Samhain |
Samhain is the beginning of the Pagan (and Satanic) year. Some of these
dates may vary by a day or two.
(Christian) Holidays
January 6 |
- Epiphany |
February 2 |
- Candlemas |
March/April |
- Easter and related days |
June 6 |
- Pentecost |
November 1 |
- All Saints Day |
November 2 |
- All Souls Day |
December 24, 25 |
- Christmas Eve and Christmas |
by Month
January 1 |
- New Year's day (and eve) |
January 5 |
- Feast of Fools/Shivaratri (night of Shiva creator/destroyer) |
January 6 |
- Epiphany/Twelfth Night (Kore gives birth/manifestation of divin)
January 17 |
- Satanic & Demon Revels |
January 17 |
- Feast of Fools (Old Twelfth Night) |
January 18-20 |
- Old Epiphany/Dream Festival (Pleiades) 3 days |
February 2 |
- Candlemas/Imbolc (secular holiday is Groundhog Day) |
February 1-3 |
- Mysteries of Persephone/Imbolc (Druid Earth Mother) |
February 15 |
- Lupercalia (she-wolf mother of Romulus & Remus ..honoring of Pa) |
February 21-22 |
- Feralia/Terminalia (Roman All Souls/boundary day) |
(see April) |
- Preparations for Easter |
March 9 |
- Festival of Ishtar (Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus) love, fertility |
March 15 |
Ides of March/Rites of Cybele & Attis (begins 12-day-long death
& resurrection ritual) |
March 18 |
- Sheila-na-gig (Sheelahis Day Creatress), Jacques De Molay Day
(Knights Templar) |
March 20-22 |
- Spring Equinox/Pelusia, Invocation of Isis (Hindi Holi/Tubulustrum
Roman purification/Shab-i-barat Night of Forgivs Islam) |
March 21 |
- Spring (Vernal) Equinox |
April 1 |
- All Fools Day |
Easter |
Easter and all holidays leading up to it (note that
many of these days are in March)
- |
Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras (the day before Ash Wednesday) |
- |
Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent, 40 days before Palm Sunday,
which marks the end of Lent) |
- |
Palm Sunday (one week before Easter) |
- |
Good Friday (2 days before Easter) |
- |
Easter (Sunday in late March (rarely) or April) |
- |
Easter/Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis |
- |
Preparation for Sacrifice 3rd week of April |
April 30 |
-Walpurgis Nacht/May Eve |
April 30 - May 5 |
- Walpurgisnacht/Beltane (April 30 to March
5, 8 days) which later became known as May Day - ritual celebration
which involves the earth or Gaia. It is a fertility celebration with
people circling 3 times clockwise around a fire in a field, use of
earth and etc. |
May 9, 11, 13 |
- Lumeria (3 separate days, Roman All Souls) |
June 6 |
- Pentecost |
June 21 |
- Summer Solstice |
July 1 |
- Satanic & Demon Revels |
Lunasa |
- 1st full moon in August |
August 2 |
- Lammas |
August 3 |
- Satanic & Demon Revels |
August 24-27 |
- Fundus Mundi, a 3 day late-harvest festival;
Mania, the opening of the Nether World Gate |
August 28 |
- The Feast of Nepthys (wife of Set, Goddess
of Death) marks the end of Fundus Mundi |
September 7 |
- Marriage to the Beast/Satan |
September 21 |
- Fall Equinox |
September 28 |
- Entering the Gate of Mysteries (Eleusis) |
September 23
October 2 |
- Mysteries of Eleusis |
October 2 |
- Last day of Mysteries of Eleusis |
October 2 |
- Durga Puja (Kali) |
October 29 |
- Opening of Mundus Cereri, All Hallows Eve |
October 31 |
- Halloween/Samhain |
October 31 |
- All Hallows Eve/Preparation for The Isia
(ring of 6, resurrectin of Osiris .. Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus,
Thoth, Anubis) |
November 1-6 |
- All Souls Day/The Isia: Samhain/Hallowmas/Isia,
6 days ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the nether
world, parting of the astral veil/ resurrection of Osiris |
November 17 |
- Hilaria/Mania (Opening of Mundus Cereris),
rebirth of Osiris |
Thanksgiving |
- (USA) 4th Thursday of November |
December 21 |
- Winter Solstice (Yule) |
December 24 |
- Satanic & Demon Revels |
December 24 |
- Christmas Eve |
December 25 |
- Christmas |
December 31 |
-New Year's Eve |
The survivor's birthday is often the very worst day of the year, especially
at ages that are multiples of 3 or 7. Ages 24, 33, and 49 are also bad,
with 33 often the worst.
The birthday of the survivor's mother and father, or of important people
in the cult are also significant, as are death anniversaries, wedding anniversaries
(of parents or ones own), and baptism (established religion and cult.)
Triggering items and symbols vary a lot; what is an everyday or harmless
object for one survivor can send another into a panic. What follows is a
representative list; the items and symbols used by cults to condition their
victims is endless.
Evil eye, horned/hooded man, pentacle (particularly significant), pentagram,
inverted cross, swastika, moon, pitchfork, ax inverted, cloven hoof, goat's
head. The number 666 (or 66). Numbers in multiples of 3, especially 6.
Numbers with a lot of 6's or 7's in them (or 3's or 9's, sometimes 5's).
Numbers that add up to (via numerology) 3, 6, 7, 9.
The Pyramid with eye in it (like on dollar bill). Crucifix, cross, the
Pope. Corn dolls. Robes (especially black ones). Tulips. 6-pointed star
(star of David). Reciting and/or reading numbers, letters, or words backwards.
Tree of Life (from Kabala). Knives, guns, needles, bon fires, S&M paraphernalia.
Anything from Christianity. Anything from Freemasonry and the Illuminati.
Anything from Paganism. Popular culture representations of witches, ghosts,
goblins, Halloween characters/decorations, Satan, etc. Anything from the
occult (tarot cards, numerology, etc) or the supernatural (vampires, werewolves,
etc). Cemeteries, funerals, dead bodies, coffins (or any suggestion of
sexual activity with or around the above). Nazi symbols.
For some survivors, their abusers used or dressed like children's characters
such as Mickey Mouse, Santa Claus, clowns, TV or cartoon characters, etc.
(generally using the ones popular when the survivor was a child).
Books: Any on Witchcraft, Majick, Middle Ages & Paganism
(this is when Satanism broke off from Paganism and Christianity), Kabala,
Book of the Dead.

Note to readers: If you know of any holidays
I have missed, or would like to suggest an addition to this page,
please email me. |