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Spousal Abuse / Domestic Violence

Survivors Against Domestic Violence

Survivors Against Domestic Violence

Survivors Against Domestic Violence (SADV) is committed to providing the public with the resources to combat this horrible crime. SADV promotes the idea that all victims can become survivors and there can be an end to Domestic Violence.

SADV provides critical resources: Warning signs, escape plans, true stories, Police Links, links by state, Law and mental health links, and organizations.

Survivors Unite Against Domestic Violence

Madona is the webmistress of Survivors Unite Against Domestic Violence, which is "dedicated to all those who have fought their way up from the depths of hell known as Domestic Violence and for those souls still lost in the sea of brutality. Here is a place where victims and survivors alike can allow themselves to let down their guard and 'lean on each other' to gain strength. Alone we are but one but together we are mighty....

Madona not only shares her own heart-wrenching history, but also provides a message board, domestic violence help page and escape plan, free domestic violence graphics as well as her own spectacular background set graphics, ADHD page, cancer prayer pages, and more... This is a site well worth reading thoroughly - for Madona is living proof that one can get out of an abusive environment and go on to have a rewarding - and peaceful - life.

What Words Cannot Say

If you are in an abuse relationship and are seeking help and guidance, or if you are one who wonders why someone does not get out of an abusive environment - Read these pages!

Lady Wind, Kathy, says "I found that I could draw what I could not express verbally. - her Art captures and distills the experience of spousal abuse in ways that words can not express.

Also be sure to visit the rest of her pages, which demonstrate one can indeed get out of abusive environments and truly live, have peace. It can be done - Kathy's life proves this...

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Last updated: Saturday, 03-Jan-2015 18:13:57 PST